Photo by Sun and Soul Photo

Hey there! I’m Joelle. I grew up in Portland, Oregon which helped to curate a love of music, art, coffee, food, and the outdoors. Although I dream frequently of living on a warm, sandy beach- Oregon is home. After living in North Carolina for a military assignment, we are so thankful to be back with our family. I’m an adoptive mama, and consider it the greatest privilege of my life to raise our sweet girl. Loving her, my incredible husband, and our two dogs is my biggest joy.

God is my rock, and I whole-heartedly believe His greatest command is to love! I do my best to reflect His heart in my communication with you, and in my work. And let me make this very clear- I believe His heart is for ALL. No love story will be written off by me.

After graduating college, I landed a job in the mental health field. While the work was rewarding, I was drained. I so desperately needed to tap into my creative spirit. The decision to dive into photography is one of the best I’ve ever made. It’s a privilege and an honor to capture your life’s biggest moments.